List all helm releases in all namespaces

helm ls -A 

List all your repositories

helm repo list

Show all helm values of a specified chart

helm show values prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Upgrade/Install a helm chart

helm upgrade vernemq vernemq/vernemq --install --namespace vernemq --values vernemq-values.yaml

Search a chart in all your repositories

helm search repo prometheus

Search all version of a chart

helm search repo -l prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Get values used for a deployed chart

helm get values strimzi-kafka -n kafka

Download a chart locally (to inspect or to backup a specific version)

helm fetch prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Helm chart creation

helm create component-1
helm template component-1 .
helm upgrade --install component-1  .   --namespace component1   --values values.yaml

Helm chart creation

helm create component-1
helm template component-1 .
helm upgrade --install component-1  .   --namespace component1   --values values.yaml

Package and push a chart to a chart repository

helm repo add chartmuseum --username=xxx --password='xxxx'
helm package .
helm push component-1-0.1.3.tgz chartmuseum