Blog posts

Helm 3 cheatsheet

Helm 3 cheatsheet

List all helm releases in all namespaces helm ls -A List all your repositories helm repo list Show all helm values of a specified chart helm show values prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack Upgrade/Install a helm chart helm upgrade vernemq vernemq/vernemq --install --namespace vernemq --values vernemq-values.

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Check your outdated python packages with Zabbix

Check your outdated python packages with Zabbix

I use Zabbix as an alert/monitoring system for my servers and applications. When it comes to a django application, I work with virtual environments and pip. It is easy to have the list of outdated packages.

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Django cms - Highlight your code

Django cms - Highlight your code

I struggled a bit to highlight my code snippets on my previous blog so here is the solution I found. The result looks like this : I first tried to add the ckeditor plugin : http://ckeditor.

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